which animal are you (only boys)

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there are many smart people, but few true geniuses and the same number of smart animals. maybe you are one of them,now you find it out. thanks for playing....

are you hapy with the results? hope you are!nice animal personality.how ever you lie or not...i don't know. but be hapy with them!BEE HAPYYY!!! it is gooooooood!

Created by: jack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which thing you love the most?
  2. what is your favorite food?
  3. how energetic are you?
  4. have you ever been in a ZOO?
  5. where is the chimp?
  6. is this boring?
  7. do you have any young(-3)kids in house?
  8. you are _________.
  9. which is your favourite animal?
  10. what animal you think that fits you?

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Quiz topic: Which animal am I (only boys)