Which animal are you

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This quiz is about what going to try and a figure out what animal you are and try and get an accurate answer just have fun and I hope you get an answer you like

Well I hope you enjoy the quiz will you get a tiger🐯 bunny 🐰 cat 🐱 dog 🐶 snake 🐍 or fish 🐠 also be honest with the answers you can't just lie to get one you want or you will never know what you are understand good

Created by: Sasha

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you want to be (affects answer)
  2. What would you consider yourself (be honest)
  3. True or false dogs are cute
  4. are cats mean or cute or both
  5. True or false tigers are scary
  6. Are you a cat person or dog person
  7. Which are more dangerous
  8. Do you like dogs or not
  9. Do you like tigers
  10. Do you like cats

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Quiz topic: Which animal am I