This quiz is going to test to see if you know what animal you are. You probably know already but take it to make sure. If there is some weird questions it's not my fault.

Please.please please enjoy this quiz. Sorry if it's short it is really hard to make a question for what kind of animal you are so please enjoy this quiz.

Created by: Pitbull77

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite color
  2. Plans for Saterday night
  3. Would you rather be
  4. Which animal would you like to be
  5. What are/were you in school
  6. What do you eat
  7. Have you ever killed anybody or wanted to
  8. Sorry that's all I have
  9. Let date take it away
  10. Read a book now

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Quiz topic: WHICH ANIMAL am I