Which American President Are You? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Teddy Roosevelt 84%

    resultTheodo re "Teddy" Roosevelt (October 27, 1858January 6, 1919), was the 26th president of the United States. He was born in New York. He was a member of the Republican Party.

    82% Ronald Reagan
    72% Ulysses S. Grant
    68% Richard Nixon
    60% Andrew Jackson
    58% George Washington
    38% Franklin D. Roosevelt
    22% Abraham Lincoln
    20% Barack Obama
    10% Bill Clinton

    • I got F,D,R

  • Your Result: Richard Nixon 84%

    Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974, when he became the only president to resign from office. Nixon had previously served as a Republican U.S. Representative and Senator from California and as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961.

    The faded smoke
  • Your Result: Richard Nixon 84%

    Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974, when he became the only president to resign from office. Nixon had previously served as a Republican U.S. Representative and Senator from California and as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961.

    62% Barack Obama
    57% Bill Clinton
    57% George Washington
    53% Ulysses S. Grant
    50% Franklin D. Roosevelt
    49% Ronald Reagan
    36% Andrew Jackson
    35% Teddy Roosevelt
    35% Abraham Lincoln

    The faded smoke
  • Which American President Are You?
    Your Result: Bill Clinton 81%

    William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III; August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served from 1993 to 2001 as the 42nd President of the United States. He was 46 years old when he was elected and the third youngest president. He took office at the end of the Cold War. Clinton was the first president from the baby boom generation. Before he was president, Clinton was governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992 and attorney general of Arkansas from 1977 to 1979. His wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton is the former United States Secretary of State and Senator of New York.

    70% Andrew Jackson
    69% Richard Nixon
    57% Ulysses S. Grant
    46% Barack Obama
    43% George Washington
    43% Abraham Lincoln
    38% Franklin D. Roosevelt
    38% Teddy Roosevelt
    8% Ronald Reagan
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    I could copy and paste the sample parting words, but you deserve better. You deserve someone who will hold you tight and kiss you goodbye as you are slowly devoured by zombies. I will be that person.

    "Which American President Are You?" was created by gary

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    The faded smoke
  • What a wonderful quiz , I bet the person who made it was very intelligent and kind and handsome . My result was Ulysses Grant, the president Of the united States ,

    Dammit Janet
  • Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (October 27, 1858January 6, 1919), was the 26th president of the United States. He was born in New York. He was a member of the Republican Party.

  • Your Result: Ulysses S. Grant 93%

    Ulysses S. Grant (April 27, 1822 - July 23, 1885), born Hiram Ulysses Grant, was the general who helped the Union Army of the United States win the American Civil War and later became the 18th President of the United States (1869-1877).

    69% Teddy Roosevelt
    66% Richard Nixon
    59% Bill Clinton
    57% George Washington
    55% Barack Obama
    47% Franklin D. Roosevelt
    42% Ronald Reagan
    31% Abraham Lincoln

    The faded smoke
  • I got Teddy Roosevelt. Cool.

  • What a neat quiz! I got George Washington.

  • I got Bill Clinton, which is appropriate as I also enjoy... sax.

  • Which American President Are You?
    Your Result: Franklin D. Roosevelt 80%

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 - April 12, 1945) was the 32nd Presi

  • I am Ulysses S grant from the civil War

  • I got Andrew Jackson, whomst I hate.

  • What a swell m*therf**king quiz. I got Ulysses S Grant.

  • George Washington

  • ?
    Your Result: George Washington 91%

    George Washington (February 22, 1732 December 14, 1799) was

  • I got georg washinggon

  • Iam gerige washington

  • geroge washington :)

  • im o'bama


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