Which American Brother is you?

I don't know who you got but it's okay if you got any of them they are both unique in thiron own ways! butility is you were serious on this you would have hot your pair

Thank you so much for taking the genius quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, yours is major league brain. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all just tooo lazy

Created by: Isshy
  1. You get a really embarrassing photo in your mail also a unusual costume to get your picture Back you have to wear it
  2. What is your favorite sport
  3. What tone do you like to keep it at
  4. What do you like cold or hot
  5. Your speed rate is? (Be honest)
  6. RussIan is sitting on you Oh nooooo....!!!!
  7. You are at war what do you do?
  8. What is your favorite animal. (or close)
  9. WHO'S your favorite
  10. Last one one a scale one to ten what do you think of this. (No effect)

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