Which alolan starter is yours?

Which alolan starter's yours? The water stater poplio? The fire starter litten? Or the grass starter rowlet? Check this super accurate, short, and fun quiz.

In each question, there will be three answers. This is my first quiz, so please no hate. The starter litten is a cat pokemon, Poplio's a sea lion pokemon and rowlet's an owl pokemon.

Created by: may
  1. Which color do you choose?
  2. What is your personality?
  3. Favorite food
  4. choose one of these pokemon.
  5. like the quiz?
  6. someone asks you for help with homework. Do you give the answer?
  7. Choose a pokemon. Again.
  8. choose another pokemon
  9. choose another pokemon. Sorry but...just choose.
  10. choose another starter.

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Quiz topic: Which alolan starter is mys?
