which afton are you?

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which afton are you? take this quiz to find out! !!!DISCLAIMER!!!: mrs.afton isn't in this, the reason why is because everyone has different au's and It will just be confusing!

oh and one more thing- This is just for fun! (if you didn't know that already) This dose not define who you are! so take this as a grain of salt! thank you BYEEE!

Created by: ripXsleep
  1. favorite afton?
  2. what is the best place in the world?
  3. favorite color?
  4. clothing style?
  5. what is the meaning of success to you?
  6. who would you choose to be stuck in a room with you
  7. what do you consider yourself as?
  8. favorite time
  9. F O O D
  10. Anywayyyyss- this is the end! BYE

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Quiz topic: Which afton am I?
