Which A to Z character are you?

Their are a lot of smart people, but not all. Some aren't and some are. But here's the question, what IS a GENIUS? A genius is someone smarter than smart.

Are YOU a genius. Thanks to this quiz, we will discover if you are a genius. In just a few minutes, you will just find out. Hope you are a genius! Because we need more!

Created by: Samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you eat a lot?
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. Do you like taking risks?
  4. Do you have any siblings?
  5. What pets do you have?
  6. Are you good at tricking thieves?
  7. What would you name your pet?
  8. Do you like Wallis Walace stories?
  9. Do you dress in one color?
  10. How loud can you scream?

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Quiz topic: Which A to Z character am I?