Which "A" orientation are you?

2 questions will decide if you're Asexual, Aromantic, or Aro Ace. It's an easy quiz, but it's accurate. It's advised to only take this quiz after 18 years old as one question is 18+.

You are here. You are taking this quiz. You think you're Asexual, Aromantic, or Aro Ace. If you are one of these 3, this quiz can easily tell you this. Only take this if you are 18+, as one of the questions is 18+.

Created by: Gerinko
  1. Have you ever had any romantic attractions in the past?
  2. Have you had any intimate attractions in the past?
  3. The rest of these are so I can post this quiz.
  4. "Badababa" How did you read that?
  5. Rush _
  6. Do you like among us?
  7. "Badabadababaaaaba" How did you read that?
  8. "I can make orange rhyme with banana. ________"
  9. Yeeeeeee
  10. Which is your favorite.

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Quiz topic: Which "A" orientation am I?
