Which 80s Genre Are You?

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Find out which 80s genre you are. Are you a style icon like Madonna, are you artistic and romantic like Robert Smith, or a ruthless juvenile like Eazy E?

No matter your taste, whether you prefer listening to popular radio, dancing in underground clubs, or jamming out in your friend's garage, there is a genre here that fits you.

Created by: Dressing of Ultimate 80s Playlist
(your link here more info)
  1. What would you rather do on your day off?
  2. What's your favorite thing about the 80s?
  3. What would be your favorite way to listen to 80s music?
  4. Which 80s artist/icon do you relate to or appreciate most?
  5. Are you more energetic or relaxed?
  6. Which album title appeals to you most?
  7. Are you more conservative or liberal?
  8. Pick a song lyric.
  9. Describe your style.
  10. If someone were to criticize you it would be for being:
  11. Which are you more of in life:
  12. What stands out to you most when you listen to a song?
  13. Finally which genre do you enjoy most from this decade?

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Quiz topic: Which 80s Genre am I?

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