Which 5 Seconds of Summer member should you date?

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Always Wondered Which 5 Seconds of Summer member you should date well here's my version of it!!! When you take the quiz it's pretty easy but it's fun!

The results you can get are Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford!!!!!!!*************:)HOPE YOU HAVE FUN AND GET WHAT YOU WANT!

Created by: 5SOSGAL
  1. What is your favorite band?
  2. What Is Your Favorite 5sos Song?
  3. What Is Your Favorite TV Show?
  4. What Is Your Favorite Iconic 5SOS Moment?
  5. How do you dress?
  6. What color are your eyes?
  7. What is your hair color?
  8. If you could met a member from any of these bands who would it be?
  9. Pick One! (Freebee)
  10. Who Do You Want!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Which 5 Seconds of Summer member should I date?
