which 3ds/wii u ssb character r u

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There are many, many ssb characters. Have you ever wondered which you are like. Do you qualify to be like the one you like most?

Are you going to be the you like most? Maybe not, maybe your likes and dislikes will change the answer. Take this super smashing quiz to find out in several moments!

Created by: ssblover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. To you, is there a difference between 'battlers', 'fighters', and 'smashers'?
  2. what is your favorite color
  3. if you could have 1 of these powers what would you want
  4. do you think there should be an anime for ssb
  5. which are you better at (in real life)
  6. what is your favorite type of mii fighter
  7. true or false (based on you) ssb for the 3ds and/or wii u is your favorite game
  8. in the game ssb do you like time better or stock better
  9. what is your favorite game series out of these
  10. out of these, who do you want to be

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