Where Would You Be In Sicomlean Society?

Sicomlea is a fantasy country that encompasses the entire world. It was formed in 2011 AD and the entire world was taken over in 2012 AD (2012 AD became 1 PS - Post Sicomlea). Sicomlea has a complicated society, and it is one of much interest to people today. You can look below to see the social pyramid:

Asakuun ---------------------- Council members, Drankens, Royal Family, Jiiku ------------------ Khals, plain old Sicomleans, Khans ------------------- Ograns, war prisoners

Created by: Asakuun Draconis of Profile:Asakuun
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What length is your hair?
  2. Are you a good fighter?
  3. Do you work for someone else for low or no pay?
  4. Do you live alone?
  5. Which place would you like to live?
  6. Would you like to meet Asakuun often?
  7. Are you under 13 in real life? (If you choose N/A, it will count as a no)
  8. Are you very intelligent?
  9. True/false: if you were/are Caucasian, your skin would be pale. (this isn't intended to be racist!)
  10. {this question is somewhat strange} Do you like the taste of blood?
  11. Last question; should this quiz be longer?

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