where u r politcalchy (gets nsfw, tw)

what do i believe you are,,, based off political values. political compass got NOTHING on this. make sure to include your result in your resume, CV, and linkedin.

this is in reference to politics by the way i am not specialized in this please i am a mathphys major please do not come for me if you do not like your result i apologize so hard

Created by: baf
  1. what's your program of study at post secondary?
  2. what's your catchphrase
  3. what is ur opinion on money
  4. tbh and a rate for the government
  5. do lgbt+ people deserve rights?
  6. do poor people deserve to exist?
  7. do BIPOC exist?
  8. sex worker,,s?
  9. is war a good idea?
  10. human rights?

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