where should you work at

This quiz is to lead you towards some life goals to decide what you want to be so if you stuck on deciding what you want to be take this quiz and hopefully it helps.

Also this quiz ins't just for deciding what you want to be its also for helping you go further in life.You can just take the quiz to find what you like to do.

Created by: Isaac
  1. Are you under 18?
  2. Which do you like more?
  3. Do you eat alot?
  4. Have you ever wondered what happens beyond this planet?
  5. What is you favorite food?
  6. What is your favorite site?
  7. How much do you weigh?
  8. Do you have friends/family?
  9. Do you have a crush?
  10. Do you sleep at night.

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Quiz topic: Where should I work at
