Where should you go on vaction?

Can't decide where to go on vacation? this quiz might help a little bit.try to get the best vaction ever!There are 3 answers and you can only get one!!

If its too hard to find a nice place for a vacation then try to find your ideal vaction here!3 answers and you only get one awesome vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your day like?
  2. Do you like to travel?
  3. Do you go on vacation with family/friends?
  4. do you have pets?
  5. Which is better?
  6. Do you like to fly in planes?
  7. do you like a gentle breeze sometimes?
  8. Where do you live?
  9. Which fruit is better?
  10. Did you like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Where should I go on vaction?