Where in the Underworld will you go?

Want to see were you will go into the Underworld? Well here is the place for you. There are four results you can get, based on your scores. What do you think you will get.

Warning, this isn't 100% accurate, so please don't take it too seriously. Hope you get a good score! Good luck! Also, please answer honestly, otherwise your results won't be accurate at all.

Created by: Midnight
  1. You find out your child snuck out and partied all night. What do you do?
  2. Your friend's husband died recently, and she confesses to you she been taking drugs to cope, and wants to stop, but can't. What do you do?
  3. You see your school bully hanging from a cliff. You...
  4. You see someone drowning. You know how to swim and know you could probably help them. However, you have designer clothes on, and swimming in them could ruin them. You...
  5. Your friend's parents have been killed and they are in desperate need of your attention and support. You...
  6. You see a mother and her kid. The kid seems to be very sick, but his mom can't afford the medicine to help him. You have enough money to give to them so they can buy the medicine, but then you can't get your cold medicine. You...
  7. You see someone crying. You...
  8. Your friend forgot their lunch and asks if you can share. You...
  9. You meet someone who can't speak English. However, you can, as well as the language they are currently speaking. You...
  10. Your grandma has died, but her funeral is on the same day as your favorite band's concert. You...

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Quiz topic: Where in the Underworld will I go?
