Where do you gall on the political spectrum

This quiz will determine who you should vote for in 2016 and what your political ideology is. There is more than just conservative or liberal. There is neoconservative, paleoconservative, neoliberal, libertarian, progressive, etc.

Comment below if you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, etc. and I will try my best to get back to you. This quiz is not 100% accurate and is meant for fun not to determine who you should vote for.

Created by: luke
  1. When it comes to the budget, taxes, and spending we should
  2. When it comes to healthcare we should...?
  3. When it comes to Job Creation we should...?
  4. What is your opinion on wall street regulation?
  5. Do you support the regulation of big banks and corporations?
  6. Should everyone pay the same tax rate?
  7. Do You Support The Legalization of Same Sex Marriage
  8. Should Abortion be legal
  9. Should Marijuana be legalized
  10. Whats your View on the Patriot Act and NSA
  11. Should We Fight Isis
  12. What should our foreign policy be?

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Quiz topic: Where do I gall on the political spectrum