Where Am I On The Political Compass?

This simple 10 question quiz can answer where you are on the Political Compass! Its easy, informative and overall a simple ideology quiz. Enjoy it, take it, whatever you wanna call it!

This quiz determines your ideological quarter on the Political Compass. It measures via Economics and Social Values, though this quiz interperets it differently by measuring ideology and putting you into the correct square on the compass.

Created by: Jamie of The Political Compass!
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you annoyed by people speaking different languages?
  2. Are you affected seeing people of different races?
  3. Are you OK with transgender people in society?
  4. Do you believe gay sex should be legal?
  5. Advancing that, do you believe gay people can date legally?
  6. Advancing even further, how about gay marriage?
  7. Do you believe someone should not be proud of their country, because they didnt decide it?
  8. Do you believe marijuana should be legal?
  9. Do you support immigration?
  10. Lastly, how do you feel about womens/black rights?

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