When will you get your first partner

This test will tell you when you get your first partner but remember tbis is not completely accurate so you might not ever get a partner. have fun and be sure to share with friends

The rules are. Play fairly answer the questions as truthfully as you can and have fun remember to share with family and friends and make sure you parents or gardians are ok with itenjoy👍

Created by: Person
  1. Would you rather go shopping for clothes or play at the park
  2. How many crushes do you have
  3. Does your crush or crushes like you back
  4. Do your parents allow you to have one this could affect your answer
  5. Whats your age
  6. Do you actually want a partner
  7. Do you have a sibling that has a partner
  8. Are you jelous that your sibling has a partner
  9. Do your freinds have partners
  10. Do your parents or gardians let you watch romantic movies

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Quiz topic: When will I get my first partner
