When will you die?

There are many geniuses but only some are genuine! Have you got what it takes to do it? Well try this quiz and find out... only if you have the genuis power!

If you are a genius do you have what it takes to fit the title? Well take this qquiz to find out. If you are a genius explain this : How are you a genuis? Well in a couple minutes you will fin out.

Created by: death12 of Death
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much do you work out?
  2. What do you eat?
  3. How long do you work out?
  4. Do you smoke?
  5. How is your cholesteral?
  6. Do you go outside to exersize or inside?
  7. How long do you spend on the computer?
  8. Do you stress or what?
  9. Have you ever had a stroke/heartattack/some kind of attack
  10. How much do you eat a day?

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Quiz topic: When will I die?