When Will You Die?

The age that you will die at is varied among varied people, but based on your health, this quiz will give you a better understanding of your lifespan!

What age WILL you die? Will you life an average, below average, or above average lifespan? This could be anything. This quiz will quiz you on your age and health to help you be better prepared for that time. 😜😜😜😜

Created by: Shayla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any serious medical issues?
  2. Do you often do dangerous, life threatening activities?
  3. I need a better age perspective. how old are you?
  4. What category does your job fall in?
  5. Are You an active smoker or have you smoked in the past?
  6. Do you do drugs?
  7. If you do smoke, how many packs a day?
  8. Do you have cancer?
  9. do you drink alcohol?
  10. is there a history of any type of disease in your family?

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Quiz topic: When will I Die?