When Will It Work? Part 12

Hey guys! This is part 12 of my story, I am really happy that you guys still read it. =) I got this one out like a hundred times earlier, I should have them out faster through the school year.

Recap: Joey and Austin tried to save you, but ended up getting caught. Austin is knocked out, and Danni and Nathan are sleeping. You and Joey started talking, but then James woke up and when you shouted, it woke Jake up, he's not very happy.

Created by: Kat
When Will I Die Test
  1. "Jake, sorry." you beg trying to not get hurt "I-I didn't mean to wake you up." He grunts, then stretches and says "What can I except when I'm handcuffed to a jerk?" James laughed, then said "Not much."
  2. "How am I the jerk? I didn't say I wanted to be or that I wanted you to be handcuffed to me." you say, losing dignity by the second. They laughed at you. Jake said "Too bad. We didn't want to be handcuffed to you either."
  3. "Should we have some fun Jake?" James smirked. "Yeah, why would we sit here?" At that point you realized they weren't chained to the wall, you would have to get up and move if they did. Sure enough, they got up.
  4. You were really weak and couldn't really get up, but you were drug to your feet by you wrists. "Ow!" You screech. "That hurt!" They both laughed then Jake said "Why would we care?" "You could've just gotten up." James mocks.
  5. You frown, then say "I would've gotten up, but I don't have any energy. I haven't eaten anything all day." As if on cue the door opens and Jesse and Kiera walk in. "So you still want food?" Kiera asks. "Well yeah..." You manage.
  6. She laughs, "Sucks for you" she starts to say. Jesse interrupts her by saying "We can't starve them. They've gone all day without food, I think we can give them something." She rolls her eyes "Whatever Jesse, do what you want." She storms out.
  7. "Well," Jesse says "That went well." You stood there nervously. Just then Danni and Nathan woke up, they saw you standing there in between James and Jake, with Jesse standing in front of you. They started pleading with him not to hurt you. "Jeez guys!" He shouts, "Chill! I was just going to ask you what you wanted to eat."
  8. When no one said anything, he said, "If you don't tell me what you want soon, then I'm just going to leave." You spoke up first "A peanut butter jelly sandwich? ((If you don't like them, or allergic or whatever, make it a different sandwich))" He nodded and said "That works, anyone else?" Everyone said they would take the same. You spoke up again "Can we have an extra for when Austin wakes up?" He scowled then reluctantly said "Sure. I'll come back with 5 sandwiches."
  9. "And you two," he says pointing at James and Jake, "What do you want?" James said "I'll take the pizza." "Me too." Jake agreed. Jesse laughed "How'd you know we had pizza?" he asked. He turned to leave, but then stopped and said "Jake, James, you can walk around in this room. Just because everyone else is chained to a wall doesn't mean you have to be."
  10. They high fived, then Jesse continued "Of course ______ that really sucks for you if they go in separate directions." Jesse smirked "And you," he turned toward Joey, "are very lucky." No one said anything for fear of what Jesse would do. "Well on that note, I'll go get your dinner." He turned and left.
  11. No one said or did anything for a few minutes. You were kinda hoping they would sit down soon because you thought you were going to pass out. After a few more minutes Jake started moving toward Joey and James the opposite way. You started pleading "Guys! Please! Seriously, don't!" Neither one of them listened.
  12. Just when you thought your arms were gonna break the door opened again Jesse and Kiera walked in. Jesse frowned at them and asked, "How long have you been doing that?" Jake said "Maybe two minutes? Three?" Jesse frowned more, "And what do you want to do if you actually break her arm?" James spoke up then, "Do we want to go there? You've drugged her and threatened to kill her, you've kidnapped her and her friends, so do we really want to go there?" Jesse took a step toward him and backhanded him so hard James fell bringing you down with him. "You don't mock me."
  13. "S-sorry. I-I won't" James stuttered. Jesse looked down at him and James looked away. Jesse looked at everyone else and said "Well, we brought your dinner."
  14. Kiera walked around and handed everyone a sandwich, no one ate them yet. You weren't sure why Jesse and Kiera weren't leaving, but then you realized no one said thanks, you weren't sure why they would care, but you mumbled thanks. Everyone followed your example and mumbled thanks. Jesse nodded then left.
  15. As soon as they left everyone dove into their sandwich. Most of you except James and Jake, who you assumed had gotten lunch, ate the sandwiches in about 10 seconds.
  16. After that, mostly everyone fell asleep, you stayed awake thinking. In the middle of your thinking a voice interrupted you "Where are we and what are we doing? Why do I hurt so much and why can't I move?" You jump.
  17. So, who do you like?

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