When will he kiss you?

This quiz says when will your crush kiss you. It is for GIRLS ONLY so if you are a boy then this won't work for you. I love my boyfriend, and when I took this quiz, it determined!

This quiz determines when he will kiss you. In a couple days? Never? A year? Well, thanks to this quiz, you will not be so nervous to find out. NOTE: This is just for fun!

Created by: A jabs Shans

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi.
  2. Let's start off simple. Does he know you?
  3. Do you like him?
  5. Hey.
  6. Does he often try to touch you?
  7. If you are watching a movie at his place, you would probably end up........
  8. Have you had your first kiss before?
  9. How much do you think about him?
  10. ALL CAPS!!!
  11. Does he flirt with you
  12. Bye!!!

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