When Hearts Collide... ~part 1~

People, I did promise you to continue 'War of my Heart' and 'Four days and Counting'... Well, I'm on a writers block with them... So, instead, I made this!!! :D If you haven't already took them, then take them!!! Hope you like this!

Characters... Ashley- Blonde hair, blue eyes, funny... Cody- Brown hair, Hazel eyes, kind... Darren- Black hair, green eyes, emo... Forest- Brown hair, forest green eyes, helpful... Jonah- black hair, red eyes, sexy!... Sky- white/blonde hair, blue eyes, quiet... Troy- dyed blonde hair, yellow contact eyes, 'unavailable'... :D :D :D

Created by: js0cj

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Make sure you read the beginning...
  2. You slowly open your eyes and look at your roof. That was the strangest dream ever. It was in five parts. The first part was that you were at home, and the table went on fire. The second part was meeting these three guys, and another one with a GF, but you've forgotten their names. The third part was that you ran away from them. The forth part was that you met these other three guys. The fifth part was that you ran away from them, and died. It was the weirdest dream ever! Just then, you look at your clock. Damn it, it's 9:30! You were late for school! You jump up and get dressed as quickly as possible. You finally get to school, late, and sneek into the class before Sir could see.
  3. The day is going really fast, but at dinner, you sit alone in the middle of an abandoned field at the back of the school. You lie down, eyes closed, trying to remember the dream you had, imagining the boys in your dream. You remember you only got kissed by one of them, that weird looking one, with the red eyes. Your heart ached with the feeling of his lips on yours. You just wished it was real. Nobody in real life liked you, that's why you were in the field alone. Another boy which you seemed to like was that funny lad, with the blonde hair. You can remember his voice as clear as if he was seeking to you in real life. "Excuse me... Miss..." You sigh as the voice echo's through your head. "Are you deaf or something?" But why was he saying that in your head. Just then, you feel someone kick you. You sit up, a little scared, and try to look at the person in front of you. But, curse the sun, you could not see his face in front of the brightness. "Miss, are you ok?" the person says. That voice, so familiar. You stand up so you can look at him. As soon as you see his face, you fall back down, staring shocked at him. "Miss, what's the matter?" he asks, stepping closer. You shuffle backwards, almost scared of him. "You, it's you," you stutter, pointing at him. "What about me?" he asks, still stepping closer. At this point, you have crossed the whole field, and was against the fence. "Miss, is everything ok?" he asks, holding a hand out to you to take. You look at it for a minute, but then take it, and stand up. "What?" he asks, again. "I know this is going to sound crazy, but, I had a dream about you last night," you say. You are both silence for a moment, but then the boy laughs a little. You get angry. "I don't believe it..." he laughs. "I knew you wouldn't. Boys never understand girls!" you shout, and start to storm off towards the school.
  4. "Wait!" He shouts, and grabs you by the arms and spins you back. "Look, it's not like that. See, I just can't believe. It worked. Don't worry, it's privet business..." he says. You feel you have to get to lessons, and turn to walk off, but then he spins you back again. "___, I'm Ashley," he says. Before you could ask how he knew your name, with a blink of your eyes, he was gone. You think it might have been your imagination, but, you ignore this, and go to your lesson. You have the same teacher that you had this morning, and you sit at the back again, hoping he doesn't realise you. But then, your hoping doesn't work, and he looks up and yells, "___ ___, you were late this morning. DETENTION!!!" You sigh, and slouch in your chair. Just then, the door opens, and someone walks in. You stare at him, shocked. He had brown hair and forest green eyes. "You, newbie, you're ten minutes late! DETETNTION!!!" Sir shouts. "But sir..." the boy starts, but sir shouts, "But Sir, nothing! Sit down Forest Gump!" The boy turns red, and says back, "It's Forest Nature, not Gump," and storms off and sits down in front of you. You stare at him. He was just like one of the boys in your dream!
  5. "Wait!" He shouts, and grabs you by the arms and spins you back. "Look, it's not like that. See, I just can't believe. It worked. Don't worry, it's privet business..." he says. You feel you have to get to lessons, and turn to walk off, but then he spins you back again. "___, I'm Ashley," he says. Before you could ask how he knew your name, with a blink of your eyes, he was gone. You think it might have been your imagination, but, you ignore this, and go to your lesson. You have the same teacher that you had this morning, and you sit at the back again, hoping he doesn't realise you. But then, your hoping doesn't work, and he looks up and yells, "___ ___, you were late this morning. DETENTION!!!" You sigh, and slouch in your chair. Just then, the door opens, and someone walks in. You stare at him, shocked. He had brown hair and forest green eyes. "You, newbie, you're ten minutes late! DETETNTION!!!" Sir shouts. "But sir..." the boy starts, but sir shouts, "But Sir, nothing! Sit down Forest Gump!" The boy turns red, and says back, "It's Forest Nature, not Gump," and storms off and sits down in front of you. You stare at him. He was just like one of the boys in your dream!
  6. After the lesson, you go to your next lesson. Nothing happens, and then it's the end of school, for everyone else that is. You go to detention. You walk in to find three people in there. Sir, Forest, and another boy... FROM YOUR DREAM!!! He has black hair, and bright, crystal green eyes. You sit down in your usual seat, getting creeped out! Sir frowns at all of you. "Right you little scum-bags... You are all here because of your bad reputation of lateness. ___, I am fed up. Forest and Darren, you may be new, but I do not wish for you to follow in such scum's footsteps!" Sit said, pointing to you. You scrawl at him. Darren stands up. "She is not a scum!" he shouts, and sir turns red. "Darren, sit down you stupid emo!" (Me: You teacher is very mean!) Finally, detention ends, and you walk home.
  7. As you are walking, you feel like you are being followed. You turn around to find nobody! Strange. You turn back forward, and bump straight into someone. You fall flat on your a*s, and look up at the person, and freeze. "I am so sorry!" he says. He was another person from your dream, this time one which you really knew. His black hair, those haunting red eyes. "You," you say, standing up. "What?" he says. "It... Nothing," you say, and turn to walk off. But, he shouts, "oh, BTW, the names Jonah." You turn and smile, remembering the kiss in your dream. "___," you shout, and then continue walking. When you get home, you see a new car parked outside the next door neighbours house. You walk inside and up to your room, with your mum shouting at you for getting detention, again.
  8. Your mom finishes shouting, and you decide to look out of the window, just to spy on the neighbours to annoy them. You look into their garden to see, kicking a football, another boy from your dream. This is one creepy day! You need to know his name, so go to say hi. You walk up the drive, and knock on the door. The boy answers. "Hey," he says, brushing his white hair away from his yellow eyes. "Hi!" you say back. "I'm ___, I'm from next door," you say, just to try to be polite. "Thanks, I'm Troy," he says, giving a super hot smile. You smile back, but then just then, a girl appears behind Troy, and wraps her arms around him, giving you the 'back off' look. "Oh, ___, this is my Girlfriend, Sophia," Troy says. "Oh, hi," you say, but then turn and walk back home. As you get back, you can hear your mum talking to someone. A male to be in fact. Maybe she's got a new BF. But, he sounded a bit young, around your age. And your mum aint a Pedo! You walk into the kitchen to see your mum talking to... A BOY FROM YOUR DREAM!!! He's got brown hair, and Hazel eyes. "Hey," you say, and he smiles at you. "Hey, I'm Cody!" he says with a smile. "___," you say. Your mum smiles. "___, I invited Cody around with his mum. She's my new boss, so be nice," she says, and with that, the toilet flushes, and a lady walks in. You spend the evening talking to Cody, and then, about 11, you go to bed, when they've gone.
  9. You lie in your bed, thinking about what a weird day it is today. But, there was one thing you didn't understand. If it was destiny that you were to meet all of the boys today, why did you only meet 6 of them, when there was 7. Just then, a figure emerges from the darkness. You sit up and shiver in terror. "Who...who, who are you... You," you stutter. He doesn't speak, but keeps walking forwards. You notice his skin is pale white, and he has white/blonde hair, and glittering blue eyes. He stopped next to you, and extended an arm towards you. You stare at him. He was shirt less, with only white combat trousers on. His face didn't consist of any emotion, but he looked kind. Due to your silence, and for not moving, slowly, two white wings emerge from his back. You end up taking his hand, and standing up from your bed. He pulls you close, and you smile. He felt so warm, so heavenly. "Who are you?" you whisper, not scared anymore. He doesn't speak, but just points to the sky. "Sky?" you ask, and he nods. You stare at his wings, and trace your finger over the edge of them. You sigh. "I must be dreaming," you say to yourself. Sky shakes his head. "But this can't be real," you say. Sky just gives you a look. "Honestly, today has been the weirdest..." you start, but then Sky places his index finger lightly on your lips, which made you stop.
  10. He takes hold of your hand and starts to walk towards the door. You both walk downstairs and outside, and to your amazement, there was a black limo. "What the...?" you ask, and Sky leads you towards the limo, and opens the back door for you. You get in to find 7 other faces. All of the boys, plus Sophia and another girl, who introduces herself as Cat. Sky sits next to you, after folding his wings into his back. "What's going on?" you ask. Everyone is quiet for a second, but then Cody speaks. "___, can you remember your dream that you had last night?" he asks. You nod. "Well, we believe that last night, an alien entered your house. This alien is a powerful creature, and can give humans deathly powers, that could kill the whole of human kind. See, we also believe this alien made himself look like your mom's new boyfriend, and, well, let's just say, you may have a brother or sister! Due to that, she has turned into the deathly powerful human. This also means that, because you're related to her, you have gained some powers as well. But yours are only half evil. So far, we know you can see the future in your dreams, and... Well, that's it so far. We didn't actually think it would work this fast..." Cody explains. Oh God...

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