Whats Your Wizard Type | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Whats Your Wizard Type.

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  • Your Result: A Grey/Gold Wizard 76%

    You are a grey wizard, and you use magic to maintain balance and harmony around you, you usually reserve magic as a last resort, yet you are in the most powerful category of wizards of all. Famous grey and gold wizards included, The Enchantress, Merlin, Gandalf, Benjamin Franklin, Saint George, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and Thespis

  • Your Result: A Red Wizard

    You are a red wizard, you are probably an extremely short tempered individual always seeking the path of least resistance, and frequenty use magic iresponsibly, and when unneccessary. Famous Red Wizards include, Lord Farquad, Captain Hook, Claude Frollo, Drizella Tremaine, and Prince Naveen

    Well... I wouldn't use it for evil but I'd probably use it too much *shrugs* what can I say? Magic rocks

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Red wizard,seeks out revenge and has a short temper. That sounds like me basically sadly lol. I do get pissed easily if you mess with me or the ones I care for. Cool quiz mate.


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