Whats your Warrior Clan?

IceClan, DarkClan, and FireClan differ from ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan, but the cats are as brave and as loyal as them,. They also fight amonst themselves, like those Clans. The question is: Which Clan are YOU from?

Which Clan are you from? Are you mysterious enough for DarkClan? Hyper and happy enough for FireClan? Or loyal and trustworthy enough for IceClan? Take this quiz and FIND OUT NOW!!!

Created by: desiaerene

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  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Are you born...
  3. Do you like...
  4. Your name starts with...
  5. You like...
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  7. Do you like this Quiz?
  8. Which do you like better? This has no effect on your Clan.
  9. You are...
  10. Last Question. Do you like...

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Quiz topic: Whats my Warrior Clan?