whats your warrior cat name

Quiz Image

warriors woo hoo!!! hi hello boo goo hin hen cat boom pom bark vjk hjyu fjdshd hy hey ht just blarg jsh hesse jesse ana annie anna mom dad warrior cats

hi hello blarg bloop meep mean greet thanks hola como estas ok on op ot at rest the they ren then coop chicken baby boop boom boon what????? que lol noob

Created by: ana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are just born and you cant wait to be an apprentice what carrer do you want?
  2. what color is your pelt?
  3. are you a tom or a she-cat?
  4. you have been visited by starclan! what do you do?
  5. do you have kits?
  6. you discover your leader is on his last life!! what do you do?
  7. twolegs capture you!! and you are forced to eat kittypet food! but a kittypet helps you escape where do you go?
  8. random question!!! whats your favorite color??
  9. last two!!! what breed are you?
  10. last one!!!!! woo hoo!!!! how mutch money do you have? lol!!!

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Quiz topic: Whats my warrior cat name