Whats your sprit animal? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Whats your sprit animal?
Your compasinate and stroung. You are a good sense of character and that helps you stay out of the wroung crowd. Some times you let your heart rule over your head at the wroung times but more otfen than not it turns alright because you always find a way round things to make it work
Ugh, I got a dog...
I'm sure you're the type who thinks dogs are good and cats are bad...I'd say die in a hole, but I have better things to do than stay around this place.
Cat, pawsome quiz
Zimswife1 -
Monkey WTF?
I got a horse
I got Golden Labrador. I totes fits me perf! I like this quiz :)
I got cat,I love cats.its also true about me....I dont like me told what to do or asking for help.
well, horse fits me
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