whats your song?

usually people always say "Oh my song is on " and in my head im thinking lucky... i want a song so i thought random people would like this like you so enjoy

usually people always say "Oh my song is on" and in my head im thinking lucky... i want a song so i thought random people would like this like you so enjoy

Created by: 99877655
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what "clique" are you in???
  2. whats your favorite color (sorry)
  3. whats your favorite out of these words?
  4. what do you think is your inner animal
  5. just out of curiousity(a very creative question by the way)what is your favorite muppet if you dont have one click on a random one.
  6. what is your favorite type of shoe
  7. whats your favorite cupcake
  8. whats your favorite book
  9. whats your favorite kind of bird
  10. did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Whats my song?