Whats Your Singer Name??

Do you want to be a star?? But wait - ohno!! You don't have a star name!! Use this handy dandy quiz to find out what's your name!

Every singer needs a cool stage name. What's yours???

Created by: rapperdasher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which artist do you like the most?
  2. What's your style?
  3. Are you nice to people?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. There is no question.
  6. What's your favorite instrument?
  7. What is your hair type?
  8. Wats your favorite number.
  9. Will you use the name from this quiz.
  10. What is your favorite stone?

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Quiz topic: Whats my Singer Name??