What's Your Saturday Night?

This quiz is about YOU!!! What's your saturday night! Wild, calm, or average. Drinks? Yes no maybe so. This is an AWSOME quiz so take or so help me I will nevermind!

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Created by: Emily Bishop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would u wear?
  2. who would u go with?
  3. would u hook up???
  4. what would u drink?
  5. have u ever gone wild?
  6. want club/coffe place would u go to?
  7. wat would u do on Saturday night?
  8. how would u get to the place your going?
  9. how long would u be there at the club/coffe place
  10. do u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What's my Saturday Night?