whats your random sentence

There are many paragraphs., sentences., and words. This is just a scramble of those words I found on Facebook.! Strange as it seems it worth finishing.!

I'm sorry that its boring because there are only four questions that matter and I had to improvise and say dumb stuff where the answers are ... well just tough it out and find your random sentence.! P.s please excuse any misspells I did go over it but touch screen and auto correct...

Created by: carls jr
  1. What color shirt are you wearing (if not listed., or your shirtless what's your favorite color)
  2. What's your birth month
  3. What's your birthday
  4. What's your favorite type of food
  5. Sorry but the rest of these questions don't matter
  6. But we have to have twelve for this type of test
  7. Yeah this quiz is kinda pointless
  8. I know I should just come up with questions
  9. Sorry this quiz was so boring but this is the last one.!
  10. Sorry thought the last one was but this really is the last one

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Quiz topic: Whats my random sentence