whats your personality(girls only)

whats your personality like?is it fun?or creative?is it bold or honest?is it wild or spunky?or are you just the average normal girl?....................

take this quiz to find out who you truly are.after all like i always say,you may be surprised by your results.........................................

Created by: katielove

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ok so basically for all these questions ur a celebrity ok?
  2. you would most likely wear a __________dress
  3. one word to describe you is...
  4. what do your friends love about you the most?
  5. you have a boyfriend because...
  6. did you like this quiz?
  7. will you rate?
  8. will you comment
  9. your fashion style is...
  10. whats your size?

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Quiz topic: Whats my personality(girls only)