whats your personality

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Everyone has a personality. But i it a good one or a bad one. what is a personailty?? Well its bascailly traits that decribe you. For an example funny ,smart,weird and more.

So what is your personailty??? Well lets find out....now we shall began. But under one rule dont get to happy when you figure out your anwser it might be to good to be true!!!

Created by: brook
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you popular?
  2. Do you follow the crowd
  3. Do you have a boo?
  4. do you masterbate
  5. fav food ?
  6. do you do achool
  7. ever had sex
  8. how many friends?
  9. pets
  10. dream job?

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Quiz topic: Whats my personality