Whats your nursery level? (Starticipants only)

I don’t know why we need paragraphs, but hello kids! Hope you have fun and find out how ready you really are! (hint, everyone’s ready in their own way)

Oh and by the way grown-ups, this quiz was aimed at nursery age kids but feel free to do for them so you have a better idea of how to help your kid get ready! ;)

Created by: KennedyAndbaby of Our nursery!
(your link here more info)
  1. Alphabet?
  2. Can you count?
  3. Can you run
  4. Do you mind being on your own?
  5. Do you take naps?
  6. How often do you get ill
  7. Are you potty trained.
  8. Can you do buttons
  9. Do you want to go to nursery?
  10. And lastly how would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Whats my nursery level? (Starticipants only)
