Whats your medieval story character?

Want to know if you a hero? A villain? A sidekick? This quiz explains it all, from clever backstory's to surprisingly accurate descriptions of your character.

You will soon feel as if, instead of sitting on your couch/chair/bed/etc taking this quiz, you are ACTUALLY inside the land I've created inside this quiz.

Created by: HermioneGranger563
  1. In your small town, a famine is happening. Someone must find the infinite goblet and plate, which always have more food and water. What will you do in the story?
  2. The hero sets out on a quest for the goblet and plate, to stop everyone in the town from starving! What will you do?
  3. On their journey, the hero sees humongous dragon guarding the goblet and plate! What was your role in all this?
  4. The dragon is close to defeating the hero! Are you happy about this?
  5. Now the hero is defeating the dragon! Are you happy about this?
  6. The hero has defeated the dragon! How are you feeling?
  7. This is the end of the story. What happens to you at the end?
  8. Okaaaaay not exactly the end
  9. Hey did you like this quiz?
  10. Okay. Ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Whats my medieval story character?
