Whats your Lucky number

This quiz tells you your truly lucky number few weird questions may be asked, if you are uncomfortable with weird questions leave and never come back...

What is your lucky number? Do you really want to know. to know take this quiz and be astounded with true luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Jayden
  1. whats your favorite number?
  2. pick a number
  3. If you were to be a vampire, werewolf, or a fish
  4. Pick your first letter of your name
  5. Are you bored right now?
  6. whitch do you prefer !,?
  7. Does 369 mean any thing to you?
  8. Would you call yourself odd?
  9. pick another number
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Whats my Lucky number