Whats your hogwarts house?

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Ever wanted to know what your hogwarts hose is? Well find out now! This quiz will tell you what hose your in. So remember there all as good as each other!!!

I really hope you enjoy this. It might not be as afficant as pottermore but it's easier to do. I actually added one more category muggle! Just incase they stumbel apone this!😜

Created by: Mya
  1. Would you be...
  2. Pick a pet!
  3. No imagen this...
  4. Your on the way to the castle accros the lake... What do you do?
  5. Oh No when you get to the castle a trol is at the entrance smashing at anything that comes close! What do you do in order to get inside?
  6. Unfortunately your sorting is seeming to be ferthre away than expected... What happend?
  7. Befor the sorting professor Mgonagal talcks to you what would you say to her when a 3rd year sneaks up behind ber and dose rude jestures?
  8. You and the other first years trip and stuble into the great hall all eyes are on you... How do you react?
  9. Your standing in line and are about to get sorted... Pick somone to go before you
  10. You sit down and the sorting hat slips over your eyes unable to see anything you wounder...
  11. The sorting hat moves and takes a deep breath..

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Quiz topic: Whats my hogwarts house?
