Whats your fav weapon

There are lots of good weapons out there in the world, but which one is right for you? People don't know what there good at until they have tried it, same with weapons.

If you are still reading I bet you really want to know what weapon you like. Well do this quiz and soon you will know what weapon is your best. It will take less than a minute.

Created by: pipthegreat
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you look for a weapon?
  2. What type of flim would you like?
  3. Do you like noise?
  4. What your fav colour
  5. Pick a door
  6. BANG!
  7. You see a knife and wood. What do you do?
  8. What would you do?
  9. What job would you have?
  10. Why did are you doing this quiz?
  11. What would you want to die doing

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Quiz topic: Whats my fav weapon