whats your dream celeb bestie?

If you had a celeb bestie, who would it be? Find out in this amazing whats your celeb bestie quiz! Some of the best choices and deepest info about your results!

If you had a celeb bestie, it would be like you were the celeb, getting spotted by paparazzi all the time. It could start your career in the amazing world of fame. Play my quiz to find out who your celeb bestie is!

Created by: Christina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your fave celeb out of the following choices?
  2. What clothes company do you by from?
  3. What is your fave hair style?
  4. You go out to eat. What restaurant to you go to?
  5. Whats your dream job?
  6. Your mom tells you that you that you can't go to a party that you really wanted to go to. What to you do?
  7. How many presents do you get every day?
  8. How do your friends describe you?
  9. What is your personality?
  10. What is your fave song out of the following?

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Quiz topic: Whats my dream celeb bestie?