Whats your anim animal

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This is for boys and girls it's fun for me and you because I'm only 10 but im very good with electronics so yyyaaa so don't you go thinking it was a stupid person doing this its a kid lol

Have you ever wondered how fun it would be to see what anim animal you are well now you can it's fun because it's for kids plus it's made bye a 10 year old

Created by: Shay
  1. How strong are you (not in a weird way )
  2. How late do you stay up
  3. Are you a herbivore or carnivor
  4. What's your fav rite element
  5. What one of thes animals is talking to you
  6. Are you nice
  7. I'm almost done
  8. How old are you
  9. How old are you
  10. Are you taritorial

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Quiz topic: Whats my anim animal