Whats the movie genre for me

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Ran out of fun movies to watch? Felt Boaaarrreedd scrolling through movies? Take this quiz and find the right genre! With questions that are simple, you'll HAVE to get the right result!

I personally love horror, When you get your result, Search for movies with that genre and see if I got it right! This quiz was made with great research!

Created by: Aidan
  1. Do you like adrenalin? The feeling of excitement?
  2. Do you find yourself wanting a significate other often, Often fantasizing about what it's like..?
  3. Do you laugh at everything or try to kick out a joke? Does having a good laugh effect you for moments?
  4. Do you like feeling on edge, like you expect something but can't wait for it to happen?
  5. Do you find it nice to see couples walking together? finding peace in someone's love?
  6. Do all your friends make you laugh with their stupid jokes?
  7. Let's make a story here. You walk and see someone fall on their face, but you happen to be there to help, what do you do?
  8. Your friend pulls out a joke, and it just hit it where its soft! What was it again..?
  9. Every time you hear someone say a word that's just slightly stupid, you break down in laughter.
  10. Do you find that revenge and winning is simply so satisfying?

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