Whats 6x3 Meme (Ft. Friends)

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This Is A Silly Story. So Don't Mind What I Freaking Put In Here. Hehe I Am Very Weird. I Did Not Have A Good Day. Someone Call 420. And Help Me! Please!

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Created by: Horror Lives 2 of Whats 6x3 Meme (Ft. Friends)
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  1. Me: Whats The Problem?
  2. Kaylah: Math Problems.
  3. Me: Oh I Can Help You! Let Me See!
  4. Me: Oh Heres An Easy One! Whats 6x3?
  5. Kaylah: Idk.
  6. Me: 6X3!
  7. Kaylah: I DONT KNOW!
  8. Me: 6X3!
  9. Kaylah: I LEGIT DONT KNOW!
  10. Me: 6 3’s!
  11. Kaylah: I Dont Know! What Is It?!
  12. Me: What Is I-
  13. Me: Get Ya Bruddah!
  14. Kaylah: Who?
  15. Me: Derecho!
  16. Derecho: What’s The Problem?
  17. Me: Homework!
  18. Derecho: Oh! What’s 6x3?
  19. Kaylah: I Don’t Know.
  20. Derecho: 6X3!
  21. Kaylah: I DON’T KNOW!
  22. Derecho: What’s 6+6?
  23. Kaylah: Oh 12!
  24. Derecho: Now Add 6!
  25. Kaylah: IDK! WHAT IS IT?!
  26. Derecho: What Is I-
  27. Derecho: Get Your Other Bruddah!
  28. Kaylah: Who?
  29. Derecho: Tremendus!
  30. Tremendus: *kicks down door* BOOM! WHAT?!
  31. Derecho: Homework!
  32. Tremendus: I Taught You This! (Wait You Did?) WHAT’S 6X3?!
  33. Kaylah: IDK!
  34. Tremendus: Look! If Accalia Has 6x3 Amounts Of Puppies, How Much Puppies Would She Have?!
  35. Kaylah: HOW MUCH?!
  36. Tremendus: HOW MUCH?!
  37. All: *silent*
  38. Tremendus: *looks at accalia playing with her puppies* 1,2,3,4...
  39. Me: I Hope You Enjoyed This 6x3 Meme! Accalia123: PUPPIES! Me: Ik Chill.
  40. Me: Anyways BOI!

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