what yu-gi-oh deck are you?

What yu-gi-oh deck are you? Want to find out check out this quiz then if u dare ahahahaha yea so how was your day my day was awesome won at locals so yea aha

i am do not like the you have to have one hundred fifty words to continue it sucks and i am almost there just a few more word how about lets duel no not yet aha there

Created by: tatajuan
  1. if someone fell would you help them
  2. if you see someone about to kill themselves what would you do?
  3. do you like the quiz?
  4. if u had $100,000,000 what would you do with it
  5. pie or cake
  6. favorite yugioh character
  7. favorite yugioh card
  8. favorite yugioh monster card
  9. what does your first name start with
  10. favorite number

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Quiz topic: What yu-gi-oh deck am I?