What youtooz are you?

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Lets see what youtooz you are!? you are a limited edition figure for sure! but which one? are you a sold out figure? or are you still in stock? lets see!

Youtooz is a company that makes collectable figures and plushys! almost all of them are limited edition, so once they are sold out, they never release it again!

Created by: Fariborz Esapour
  1. what is your favourite youtooz product?
  2. what is the most RAREST YOUTOOZ?
  3. which of the following is not limited edition?
  4. what was the first youtooz?
  5. why was the 2ft sad Pepe taken off the youtooz website? how many where sold?
  6. what are youtooz stickies?
  7. what sizes where available for the plush Albert, Cleetus and Flamingo?
  8. what is the price for a normal sized youtooz? (subtotal)
  9. what is the name of the youtooz drink? what flavour is it?
  10. vroom vroom

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Quiz topic: What youtooz am I?
