What You Believe

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This is a quiz about how much you know about your religion and so many other great things to see!!!!!!!!!! And find out too! hope you'll enhoy!! :D :D

Do you really know about these things?!!!!! Come find out! :D Really do hope that you will really enjoy thist quiz that I made! So I hope you enjoy! hehe

Created by: Kcat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What religion do you follow?
  2. Do believe that that religion is true and correct?
  3. who saves you, or brings you to heaven or paradise (Or whatever)
  4. Who do you pray to?
  5. Do you believe in monogamous marriges?
  6. Are you devoted to saving yourself for your husband?
  7. Do you go to church or some kind of religious ceremony on a regular basis?
  8. Are you respectful of other religions?
  9. Do you believe in marrying the same sex as yourself?
  10. Are you interested in finding out about other religions?

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