what wrestler are u

There are many wrestlers but a few champions What are wrestlers a wrestler is a guy or girl that fights to see who is the best but sometime people fight for the hell of fighting.

Are you a wrestler?????? Do you have enough musclue???? Do u like to win???? what wrestler are u takethis quiz and find outcause if your a good wrestleer your an good fighter too.

Created by: Jehna of idk
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How strong are u
  2. How strong are your knuckles
  3. have you ever got in a fight
  4. whats your favorit move out of these
  5. what your favorit guy or girl out of these ppl??? and why
  6. Can u lift one ov these toaster,person,dog or all of the above
  7. CAn YoU lift one of these Car,Fattest dude ever,John cena or randy orton
  8. Are u strong enough to lift me im 89pounds of muscule
  9. How much muscule do u have
  10. LAST QUESTION!!!!! did u like this quiz

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