What Would Your Warrior Name Be?

Created by: Nicki Ginger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in the middle of a huge battle. Your clan leader is pinned, but your mate is trapped and your best friend is fatally wounded. Who do you save?
  2. What clan are you from?
  3. You are hunting with your friends when you see a strange cat on your territory, your friends don't notice it yet, you . . .
  4. Your friend has broken the warrior code. They beg you not to tell the leader, you . . .
  5. What do you look like as a cat?
  6. It's a bitter leaf-bare day and the clan is huddled up in the camp. You get SO bored, you . . .
  7. Where do you hunt???
  8. It's a hot summer day, what do you do to help the clan?
  9. What kind of prey do you hunt?
  10. How do you like this quiz?????

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Quiz topic: What Would my Warrior Name Be?