What would your MHA quirk be

In this quiz you will be able to find out what your quirk would be if you were in the world of My Hero Academia! You will be able to have amazing results that will show you what you would be capable of! Keep in mind these are quirks I made up so please don’t go looking in the show!

I am deeply hoping you enjoy my quiz and hope it does not some how offend you in any way now please let me know if you have any good suggestions for another wonderful quiz for you all!

Created by: Kioka
  1. What would your social stance be if you were in the MHA world be
  2. What three words can describe you
  3. Do you get angry easily?
  4. What is your worst quality?
  5. What is your fav color
  6. Do you even watch the series?
  7. What’s your fav anime out of these
  8. Do you have any mental disorders?
  9. What is your fav class 1-A character
  10. Who if your fav MHA villain from the L.O.V

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Quiz topic: What would my MHA quirk be
